The Existence of Social Sciences Values and Skills In Turks According to Chinese Annuals

Ozkan Akman, Sefa Catal
103 58


Social sciences aims to convey to the individual the values and skills necessary to adapt to society. The aim of the study is to base today's values and skills by looking at the existence of values and skills in the structure of the Turkish nation in its early periods. In this study, the existence of social sciences values and skills is tried to be proven by examining the Chinese annals called Historian's Records (Shi Ji), History of the Han Dynasty (Han-shu) and Old T'ang History (Chiu T'ang-shu), which cover the Turkish historical periods under the rule of the Huns and Gokturks. Document analysis technique was used during the data collection phase. In the data analysis part, qualitative content analysis and narrative analysis approaches were used. In the research, social sciences values were given under headings, and the headings were tried to be filled according to their presence in the Chinese annals used. Their skills were intended to be grouped under a general heading and explained. As a result of the research, it was seen that all the values and some of the skills were present in all three Chinese annuals.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Social Studies, Turks, Chinese Annuals, Values, Skills

Tam Metin:



Akman, Ö. & Çatal, S. (2024). The Existence of social sciences values and skills in Turks according to Chinese annuals [Çin yıllıklarına göre Türklerde sosyal bilimler değer ve becerilerinin varlığı]. Bilim, Eğitim, Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi (BEST Dergi) [Science, Education, Art and Technology Journal (SEAT Journal)], 8(2), 186-201.



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