Gamification in English Language Classrooms: The Case of Kahoot!
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English language teaching- Gamification- Edutainment- Technology- Kahoot!Özet
Technology has been part of education in the 21st century. Especially gamification and online games have been integrated into traditional classroom instruction and they have found their place in language education. It is argued that gamification creates opportunities in which teachers and students focus on entertaining game elements that can be used in non-game settings such as the classroom. Kahoot! is one of the most commonly used online gamification applications that many teachers and students utilize in language teaching and learning process. The current review article focuses on teaching English as a foreign language with the help of Kahoot!. Therefore, the researchers give a detailed explanation of the benefits that Kahoot! brings to the language classroom for both teachers and learners, and how teachers can use Kahoot! for evaluative purposes. The researchers also introduce an overview of classroom activities in which teachers can utilize Kahoot! to develop students’ language skills in the current article.Referanslar
Kıyançiçek, E. & Uzun, L. (2022). Gamification in English Language Classrooms: The Case of Kahoot! [İngilizce Dil Sınıflarında Oyunlaştırma: Kahoot! Örneği]. Bilim, Eğitim, Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi (BEST Dergi) [Science, Education, Art and Technology Journal (SEAT Journal)], 6(1), 1-13.
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