Creating Computer Informatics Terms WordNet with Concept Maps and Student Opinions
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WordNet- Concept map- Assessment- Content analysis- Computer networkÖzet
Concept maps are a visual tool that shows concepts and expresses their relationships, shows the connections between ideas and information, includes many cognitive processes, and is one of the ways to keep in mind and learn effectively. WordNet project is an ontological dictionary project, which links words into semantic relations including synonyms, hyponyms, and meronyms. To add new computer informatics terms to WordNet, word relationships must be created in advance. In this study, the concept maps created by students were used while creating computer informatics terms WordNet. Data was collected by the documentation method. Participants had prepared concept maps as homework to cover the subjects in the computer networks course to summarize their understanding, and these maps were used as data documents. Student opinions have been evaluated about concept map homework and usage of concept map homework for computer informatics terms WordNet initial dataset.Referanslar
Yılmaz İnce, E. (2022). Creating Computer Informatics Terms WordNet with Concept Maps and Student Opinions [Kavram Haritaları ile Bilgisayar Bilişimi Terimleri WordNetini Oluşturma ve Öğrenci Görüşleri]. Bilim, Eğitim, Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi (BEST Dergi) [Science, Education, Art and Technology Journal (SEAT Journal)], 6(1), 92-99.
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