Interpainting as a Creating Method in Digital Illustration: Reinterpretations from Movie Scenes
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Interpainting- Digital Illustration- CinemaÖzet
Interpainting is used to quote a contemporary artwork or to describe reinterpreted works of art. It is inevitable that the interaction is in every field as well as in the field of art. Photography has changed our art and perception style in IXX. Century. As the photography gives birth to the cinema, digital illustrations are a good example of the relationship between technology and art in the meaning that new artistic works will be produced from the cinema. Even though the canvases are not replaced by computer screens yet fully benefit greatly from the computer or technology when designing the work of many artists. In a similar way to artworks that have been re-interpreted dozens or even hundreds of times such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, it is quite possible today to produce new artworks from cinemas. Besides it is still a matter of debate whether digital arts are art or not today, the intensive use of digital illustrations has contributed positively to the elimination of these debates. In the study, some examples of digital illustrations that worked directly from movie scenes or indirectly referencing to films will be examined.Referanslar
Cakir, E., Ozturk, M.S., Unal, M. (2019). Interpainting as a creating method in digital illustration: Reinterpretations from movie scenes. Science, Education, Art and Technology Journal (SEAT Journal), 3(2), 78-88.
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